simple things

5 Things I Miss About Being a Child

I’m a piano teacher, so I spend a lot of my time working with children, thinking up new ways to entertain children, or making games for children. Basically, a lot of my time revolves around children. Over the last few days I’ve been noticing a few things I miss about being a child that I took… Continue reading 5 Things I Miss About Being a Child


How To Make the World A Happier Place #1

I’m back! Hopefully I’ll remain back for longer this time, but we’ll see. Sometimes life just gets in the way. Something I live by in life is do what you can to make the world a happier place. This could be by becoming a teacher and helping children grow into happy and well-rounded adults, or… Continue reading How To Make the World A Happier Place #1

This Is Me

100 Questions No One Really Ever Asks

On my old blog, I used to love filling in questionnaires like this. There’s something so relaxing about filling in answers to questions that don’t really matter, unlike filling in insurance forms or job forms…all those scary grown up things that do matter! 1. Do you sleep with the closet doors open or shut? I’m… Continue reading 100 Questions No One Really Ever Asks

Bloggy Mondays

5 Reasons Why I’m Excited for Spring

I am definitely an Autumn/ Winter type of girl. I love bundling up in big jumpers, yanking on my big boots, and cuddling under fluffy duvets. There are few things better than sitting watching a Christmas film with the rain bouncing off the windows, with all the Christmas lights on, under a fluffy cover, tucking… Continue reading 5 Reasons Why I’m Excited for Spring